Peter Lloyd-Sherlock es Economista, egresado de la London School of Economics and London Institute of Latin American Studies (Inglaterra). Professor de Social Policy viagra online usa and International Development, School of International Development, University of East Anglia, Inglaterra. Ha investigado y publicado diversos trabajos sobre sistemas de previsión social y de salud en países periféricos, especialmente en relación con la población de tercera edad. Actualmente participa en los proyectos: “Interventions for older people in sub-Saharan Africa” (Financiado por el Economic and Social Research Council); y “Improving the effectiveness and efficiency of Health and social care services for vulnerable Older Brazilians”, Financiado por el Medical Research Council, Newton Fund and Brazilian Council of State Funding Agencies (CONFAP). Sus últimos libros son Population ageing and international development: from generalisation to evidence. Policy Press, 2010; Living longer. Ageing, development and social protection. Zed Books/United Nations Research Institute for Social Development (2004).